Your support of this exceptional and longstanding program to promote the cultural and educational ties between the United States and Japan, as well as the Japanese people, will not only provide access to our NCSS Premier events throughout the week but allows exclusive access with the Japan Embassy and International communities. At the same time reach hundreds of thousands of people to promote your business.
Our non-profit organization depends on the support of our Sponsors to provide the amazing programs NCSS has to offer. Donations are fully tax exempt allowable under the fullest extent of the law. Our sponsors will enjoy benefits that include:
Reserved seating at Japanese Stone Lantern Lighting Ceremony
Remarks at Stone Lighting Ceremony
Invitation to Japanese Ambassador's Reception
Invitation to Congressional VIP Reception
Remarks during at Crowning Reception
VIP Tickets to the Sakura Matsuri Festival private reception
Private reception at the Japanese Embassy post event
Advertising the Souvenir program
Social Media Recognition

Sponsorship Benefits are based on Sponsorship Levels:
Crown - $20,000
Pearl - $15,000
Sakura - $10,000
Petal - $5,000
For more information please contact:
Teresa Downs, President