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Shreya Banerjee


"Cherry Blossom week has been one of the most special weeks of my life.  I also met some truly incredible women in my class and at the events. We got VIP treatment to places I would never imagine visiting, like the Japanese Ambassador’s Residence and meeting Members of Congress on personal level.  We also spent a day giving back to the community by visiting schools and reading to children, which I really appreciated.  I am so proud to be a Texan and I’m grateful to the Texas State Society for sponsoring me this week.  I’ve made so many new friends."

Sophie Czerniecki

New Jersey

"The Cherry Blossom Princess Program has been the most rewarding, humbling and empowering experience. This program is much more than being a princess for a week, it is developing leadership skills, learning how to serve as a diplomat, how to conduct proper networking, learning about other cultures and much more.  I recommend this program to everyone."

Abeeha Shamshad


"I am not the kind of girl who feels comfortable in a dress and heels.  Yet, this week, I met amazing young women very different from myself who continually prove to me that even a “simple small town girl” belonged in D.C.  What blew my mind was knowing that every woman here was accomplished and ambitious. We have allies in each other rather than competition."

National Conference of State Societies

P.O. Box 75541

Washington, DC 20001

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